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Radionica Clay&Kids - RIJEKA 22.2. Subota

Radionica Clay&Kids - RIJEKA 22.2. Subota

Regular price 50,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price 50,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

 ENGLISH below 🡣

Pridružite nam se 22.2. (Subota) 14.00h - 15.30h na Clay and Kids radionici gdje ćemo se "igrati" s glinom i izrađivati unikate u veseloj atmosferi. Radionica je namijenjena djeci uz pratnju roditelja ili druge odrasle osobe. 💓

Na ovoj radionici možete izraditi svoju šalicu ili zdjelicu za kekse (svatko svoje i dijete i pratnja). Mi smo tu uz vas da vas usmjeravamo i podučimo. 😊

Ovo je odlična prilika da provedete kvalitetno popodne sa svojim djetetom, dok se upoznajete sa svijetom keramike i zajedno kreativno izražavate. 

Ako želite prijaviti sebe i dvoje djece, pošaljite nam poruku!

📍 Gdje? - Rijeka, Cvetkov trg 1 (Mjesni odbor Drenova, 1. kat) 

Tijekom radionice imat ćete priliku upoznati se s osnovama rada s glinom, procesom nastajanja keramičkog proizvoda i tehnikama izrade. 😊 

Tijek radionice bit će otprilike ovakav:
- kratka teorija i upoznavanje s glinom, tehnikama i alatima
- izrada predmeta
- oslikavanje predmeta

Pošto proces izrade keramike ima više faza, mi ćemo nakon radionice vaše predmete ispeći i dovršiti, a vi ćete ih moći pokupiti nakon cca mjesec dana. 

Cijena uključuje: 
- sve potrebne materijale i boje za izradu predmeta
- sok
- grickalice
- gotovi predmet koji polaznik izradi

*naslovna slika radionice je simbolična, radovi se mogu oblikovati i oslikati po želji, što naravno i potičemo! 👩‍🎨 

Kako bi rezervirali svoje mjesto, potrebno je kupiti kartu. Jedna karta vrijedi za pratnju i dijete.

>U slučaju otkazivanja do 48h prije radionice moguć je povrat novca. Ako otkažete u roku kraćem od 48h prije radionice, ne možete ostvariti povrat, ali naravno možete poslati nekog drugog na to mjesto.< 

Broj mjesta je vrlo ograničen, a zbog pripreme materijala, alata i ostalog želimo spriječiti otkazivanje u zadnji čas i zauzimanje mjesta nekom drugom pa molimo za razumijevanje 😊.

Za radionicu nije potrebno prethodno iskustvo u radu s glinom. Radionica se održava na hrvatskom jeziku.

*dobna granica za djecu je od 5 godina na gore

Jako se veselimo druženju! Vidimo se! 🥰

Ana i Nika
Join us on 22nd February (Saturday) 14:00 - 15:30 at the Clay&Kids workshop where we will "play" with clay and make unique items. The workshop is intended for children accompanied by their parents or other adult. 💓

At this workshop, you can make your own mug OR a bowl for cookies (both child and companion). We are here by your side to guide and teach you. 😊

This is a great opportunity to spend a quality afternoon with your child, while getting to know the world of ceramics and expressing yourself creatively together.

📍 Where? - Rijeka, Cvetkov trg 1 (Mjesni odbor Drenova, 1. kat) 

During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn about the basics of working with clay, the process of creating a ceramic product and production techniques. 😊

The course of the workshop will be approximately as follows:
- short theory and introduction to clay, techniques and tools
- creation of the ceramic products
- clay painting

Since the process of making ceramics has several stages, we will fire and finish your items after the workshop, and you will be able to pick them up after about a month.

The price includes:
- all the necessary materials and colors for making objects
- juice
- snacks
- items that the student makes

*the title picture of the workshop is symbolic, the works can be shaped and painted as desired, which of course we encourage!👩‍🎨

In order to reserve your place, you need to buy a ticket. One ticket is valid for a parent and a child.

In case of cancellation up to 48 hours before the workshop, a refund is possible. If you cancel less than 48 hours before the workshop, you cannot get a refund, but of course you can send someone else to that place.

The number of places is very limited, and due to the preparation of materials, tools and other things, we want to prevent cancellation at the last minute and the taking of the place by someone else, so we ask for your understanding 😊.

No previous experience in working with clay is required for the workshop. The workshop is held in Croatian or both Croatian and English if English speakers are present.

*the age limit for children is 5 years and older

We are very much looking forward to meeting you! See you! 🥰

Ana and Nika


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